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Project Page

The columns available allow you to filter through particular types of Projects, based on status, approval, finances, or contact information.

Updated over a week ago

The Project page can be found along the left pane of the screen, as shown in the image above. Aside from reporting, this is the main page to view all of your Projects in one place. Our overview on Projects vs. Jobs best explains the value of Projects on Field Complete, and how they compare to Jobs.

Projects function as the main folder for all your Jobs, and as the services you provide get larger, and more extensive, Project management becomes more critical.


Once you have access to the Project page, the status will be the primary indicator to identify the current status of the Project. The right end of the column header will allow you to select which status you want to view.

  • In Progress: Status generated as a new Job is created, and the needed status to add additional Jobs to the Project and further updates to each Job. As the default status, it must be updated to Complete manually as part of the Field Complete workflow. By design, it is important to audit your Project by assuring the scope is accurate, invoiced, and ultimately paid. Once the Project has gone through your workflow, it can be updated to Completed.

  • Cancelled: Status for Projects that will not progress through the workflow. Field Complete does not have a delete option for Projects, as a preventative measure to assure nothing is deleted incorrectly. Once Cancelled, there cannot be changes to any tabs within the Project. Note: Cancelled Projects are never customer facing, and would not influence any related Jobs or Projects.

  • Completed: As Projects go through the workflow, they can be updated as being Completed. Although not a requirement, its an important process to streamline your operations.

  • Estimate: The Estimate status cannot be set manually, but rather as an Estimate is created. By design, this allows you to monitor active Estimates and focus on Estimates that are pending changes.


โ€‹Approval: The approval status is for internal use, and determines whether a Project has pending approval from the Customer end. This tool allows you to monitor Estimates or Quotes in a way that is clear and consistent throughout the project. Within the Project page, this column allows you to filter through Projects based on status.

Project Number: A difference between Jobs and Projects includes how they are identified. A Project number can be edited at any time, or be set randomly as they are being created. However, Job ID's are fixed. In relation to the Project page, Job ID's are not shown at all, but they can be found listed via Reporting and the Dispatch page.

Customer: As a reminder, there is a difference between Service Location and Customer contact information. In this instance, the Customer is what is listed in the Project page. Note: a Project can only have one Customer and Service Location.

Cost and Retail: A total for Cost and Retail is calculated should a Project have multiple Jobs included. As an alternative, Reports are available for Jobs based on different metrics as needed.

Invoiced and Paid: In the same manner, as other columns on this page, this is a total for all included Jobs within a Project. The total amount of money invoiced is listed, then how much of it was paid to provide current financial status. Note, this is based on Jobs that have been invoiced, so Jobs yet to be invoiced would not be calculated into this number.

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